

Psychotherapy is a term used to describe a process of care for healing psychological and emotional issues. The process generally includes talk therapy (Counselling) and may often include when appropriate, various complimentary therapies and techniques that support your healing and development process. It will depend on the individual Psychotherapist's training and approach as to the therapeutic experiences they offer.


Lilac Tree offers supportive expressive experiences that deepen your healing process and aim to develop new sustainable life skills for nourishment and support beyond your time with us.


Lilac Tree's range of Psychotherapies include

Inner Focusing Techniques for healthy self relating and management of emotions


Guided Meditation/Relaxation practice offering physical, emotional and mental support through your experience


Psychodrama a creative expressive process that develops self awareness, self esteem and supports mental, emotional healing


Art & Expressive Therapies a powerfully beneficial practice offering a multitude of benefits ( read more here )